Crate jsonbb

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A JSONB-like binary format for JSON.


jsonbb provides an API similar to serde_json for constructing and querying JSON values.

// Deserialize a JSON value from a string of JSON text.
let value: jsonbb::Value = r#"{"name": ["foo", "bar"]}"#.parse().unwrap();

// Serialize a JSON value into JSON text.
let json = value.to_string();
assert_eq!(json, r#"{"name":["foo","bar"]}"#);

As a binary format, you can extract byte slices from it or read JSON values from byte slices.

// Get the underlying byte slice of a JSON value.
let bytes = value.as_bytes();

// Read a JSON value from a byte slice.
let value = jsonbb::ValueRef::from_bytes(bytes);

You can use the get API to subscript a JSON and then build a new JSON using the Builder API.

// Subscript a JSON value.
let name = value.get("name").unwrap();
let foo = name.get(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(foo.as_str().unwrap(), "foo");

// Build a JSON value.
let mut builder = jsonbb::Builder::<Vec<u8>>::new();
let value = builder.finish();
assert_eq!(value.to_string(), r#"{"name":"foo"}"#);

§Encoding Format

jsonbb stores JSON values in contiguous memory. By avoiding dynamic memory allocation, it is more cache-friendly and provides efficient parsing and querying performance.

It has the following key features:

  1. Memory Continuity: The content of any JSON subtree is stored contiguously, allowing for efficient copying through memcpy. This leads to highly efficient indexing operations.

  2. Post-Order Traversal: JSON nodes are stored in post-order traversal sequence. When parsing JSON strings, output can be sequentially written to the buffer without additional memory allocation and movement. This results in highly efficient parsing operations.

Each JSON node consists of a fixed-size entry and a variable-length payload. Each entry is 4 bytes, with 3 bits storing the node type and 29 bits storing the offset of the payload.

entry: type (3 bits) | offset (29 bits)

# Null
entry: 0x0
payload: []

# Bool
entry: 0x1 (false) / 0x2 (true)
payload: []

# Number
entry: 0x3 | offset
payload: kind (u8) + u64 / i64 / f64

# String
entry: 0x4 | offset
payload: len (u32) + bytes

# Array
entry: 0x5 | offset
payload: [elem] x n + [entry] x n + n (u32) + len (u32)
         ^start                                        ^ptr

# Object
entry: 0x6 | offset
payload: [key, value] x n + [kentry, ventry] x n + n (u32) + len (u32)
         ^start                                                       ^ptr
where:   len = ptr - start


  • Construct a jsonbb::Value from a JSON literal.




  • A type that can be used to index into a ValueRef.


  • Convert a value that impl Serialize into jsonbb::Value.